Wanted Terrorist Dawood Ibrahim Poisoned in Karachi 2024 | Complete Analysis

Dawood Ibrahim poisoned in Karachi by Unknown Men Tazaflix.com

Terrorist Dawood Ibrahim Poisoned in Karachi


Rumors are there that the Escaped terrorist Dawood Ibrahim has been poisoned by some Unknown Men Pakistan in  the city of Karachi in Pakistan.

Sources have confirmed that his condition is serious and he is among serious patients in Karachi Hospital.  18 of the terrorists which were on the hit list of Bharat’s Intelligence agencies are killed under mysterious circumstances in past 3 months. Everyone is speculating who can be behind these assassinations. Some are pretty confident in taking the name of Indian intelligence agencies such as RAW including some prominent Pakistani Media personalities.

Here is a list of Anti Indian Terrorists eliminated by Unknown Gun men in Pakistan :

Name of the Terrorist Role Date Method Place
Maulana Raheem Ullah Tariq JeM leader and close associate of Maulana Masood Azhar Nov 13 2023 shot dead Karachi
Akram Khan LeT terrorist , also known as Akram Ghazi, head of LeT’s recruitment cell Nov 9 2023 shot dead Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Bajaur tribal district.
Khwaja Shahid AKA Mian Mujahid prominent LeT figure and one of the masterminds behind the 2018 terrorist attack on an Indian Army camp in Sunjuwan Nov 5 2023 Kidnapped and Behaded Near POK
Shahid Latif  a former JeM operative and alleged mastermind of the 2016 Pathankot attack. Oct-23 shot dead  Sialkot, Punjab.
Riaz Ahmad (alias Abu Qasim). Anti Indian activities Oct-23 shot dead Pakistan
Maulana Ziaur Rehman. Anti Indian activities Oct-23 shot dead Pakistan
Mufti Qaiser Farooqui. Anti Indian activities Oct-23 shot dead Pakistan
Mullah Sardar Hussain Arain. Anti Indian activities Oct-23 shot dead Pakistan
Paramjit Singh Panjwar. Anti Indian activities Oct-23 shot dead Pakistan
Bashir Ahmad Pir (alias Imtiaz Alam). Anti Indian activities Sep-23 shot dead Pakistan
Syed Noor. Anti Indian activities Oct-23 shot dead Pakistan
Syed Khalid Raza. Anti Indian activities Nov-23 shot dead Pakistan
Mistry Zahoor Ibrahim (alias Zahid Akhund). Anti Indian activities Sep-23 shot dead Pakistan

Pakistani Government has kept their mouth shut on these killings because of two reasons, first, it will expose their helplessness, second, they would not want to agree that they are sheltering these terrorists, as is the case with Dawood Ibrahim.

Also read this article for a deep understanding.

This is not the first attempt made on his life by some unknown men, here is the list of incidents when the declared terrorist escaped death narrowly :

Incident of 2005 and how our own institutions betrayed us :(Dawood Ibrahim poisoned)

In 2005 a news came that the daughter of Dawood Ibrahim is going to marry the son of a controversial Pakistani cricketer Javed Miyandad on 23 July 2005. The Marriage was going to take place in Mecca (UAE) ,

Indian intelligence agencies got to know about this and thought that this would be the best chance to eliminate Dawood. The plan was set up. Now the question was that who would be the key player in this mission,

the first choice was the great unknown Indian special agents, but sending them would have been a risky operation as it would have exposed Indian Government’s effort in this matter. The second option was even more riskier and involved none other than the rival gangsters of Dawood Gang.  Our Intelligence agencies decided to go with the second option. Two gangsters from Chhota Rajan Gang namely ‘Vicky Malhotra’ and ‘Farid Tanasha’ were selected for this mission. Chhota Rajan also agreed to support in this mission because at this point there was an inter gang rivalry between Dawood and Chhota Rajan. Chhota Rajan was attacked by Dawood gang when he was in Thailand.

Dawood with Chhota Rajan Tazaflix.com
Dawood with Chhota Rajan Tazaflix.com

The two gangsters were being trained for the mission and when the date was close, something unexpected happened which signifies our collective system faliure and lack of will to do anything for the good of our country.

Mumbai Police and Dawood Connection (A collective system faliure) : (Dawood Ibrahim poisoned)

wondering how an ordinary man from Mumbai Slums rose up to become an International Terrorist ? Lets deep dive into past :

Based on the work on Hussain Zaidi (noted writer), here are the circumstances under which a normal boy of Mumbai became one of the most wanted terrorists of Bharat.

Dawood was one of four Sons of  ‘Ibrahim Kasker’ a Head constable in Mumbai Police. Ibrahim Kasker himself was in an additional task force to fight Mumbai Underworld and the gangs which were active at that time. He was a disciplined and good officer of Mumbai police. He actively fought the ‘Pathan gang’ which was active at that time in Mumbai. He never thought of winning the battles with underworld but losing his own son to his enemies. He was offered very lucrative amount of money many a times by the underworld but he never accepted that money as he considered it ‘Haram’.

Dawood Poisoned in Karachi Tazaflix.com


The economic condition of the family was not well, which led to poor education of children and pushed them into an abyss from where they could never return.

Low income of police personnel is very often highlighted and debated topic. While I agree the pay was and is low in each and every profession of society but police and defense personnel are affected by this in

a worst manner, not only they fight poverty, but also deal with absence of the ‘father’. They have a little sense of security and a little guidance of a real outside world  as a result end up picking a wrong path.

Ibrahim’s sons were also a result of this situation.

However, our own conscience tells us what is good and what is wrong, one can be oppressed but killing someone can never be justified. And Dawood killed in Hundreds, also spoil many lives. The list of his crimes is very long which no good human can even think of.

He got into ‘Pehelwan’ gang and started his criminal career from there. Due to his fathers background, he had some very good connections in Mumbai Police.

He also knew a very bad weakness of the system penury of the police personnel and their families, He took advantage of it and started buying their loyalty which was a very prudent move on his behalf.

This policy created many assets for him and soon he became undisputed ruler of Mumbai Underworld. In his reign the bloodbath became very common in the streets of Mumbai. Newspapers were filled with the headlines of Killings everyday.

Killing of Gulshan Kumar owner of T-Series was one very gruesome incident which flabbergatsed Mumbai. Dawood demanded extortion money from Gulshan Kumar to which he denied, this was the incident which lead to his clod blooded murder, he was shot 16 times when he was returning from a Mandir. Many others surrendered and used to provide the extortion money to the gangster.

All of this was possible for him because he had very deep business with officials of Mumbai Police and eventually with some political leaders of the ruling party at that time.

Nobody was concerned over this as everyone’s pocket was being filled. The ones who were losing their lives were either low ranked Police professionals or new gangsters. In 1984 due to this deep connection he got to know about his arrest warrant in prior and escaped to Dubai. From here on, he started operating his terror business from Dubai.

Dawood’s crime and his terror among people crossed all of the limits when he orchestrated ‘1993 Mumbai train serial blasts’. On an ordinary day 12 serial bombs detonated in local trains of Mumbai. 257 people lost their lives and over 1500 injured as per the official reports. (Unknown men in Pakistan) (Raw Missions) (Dawood Ibrahim poisoned)

Dawood escaped to Pakistan from Dubai after this and is secretly living in Karachi till now. The story shows how the underprivileged section of the society always suffers and nobody in our previous governments thinked about it. The Ideal response of a responsible government at that time was to form  a committee and alleviate the living conditions of the police force and their families. Also, all those officers connected with the gangsters should have been transferred and a total new force was to be set up to eradicate the crime syndicate.


Now, lets get back to our story when two gangsters were being trained to eliminate Dawood in Dubai. This training was given by none other than our current NSA ‘Ajit Doval’. Ajit sir was retired at that time from the post of Head of the IB. One day when he was briefing these two gangsters on a hotel room and discussing the blue print of the venue of the marriage, suddenly Mumbai Police raided the place and arrested ‘Vicky Malhotra’ and ‘Farid Tanasha’ from the spot on charges of criminal activities in Mumbai. Obviously, someone was the mole and leaked information about the Raw Missions to ‘Mumbai Police’ and the politicians sitting above them.

This was the fault in our own lines and we lost a golden chance to nab the most wanted terrorist of Bharat.

Also read this article for a deep understanding.

Second Incident : 2013 (Unknown men in Pakistan)(Raw Missions)

(Dawood Ibrahim poisoned)

In the second incident a team  of Indian agents was placed in Karachi to kill Dawood. There were other RAW Missions as well but this was a top secret and was named as ‘Operation D’. The team stayed in Karachi for almost two years and was supposedly felicitated by MOSSAD as well. All the preparations were at place and final clearance to kick start the mission was awaited. This clearance was never given and the mission was called off due to unknown reasons. Some say that the mission was called off because Dawood got the information in prior, others say that it was called off due to political pressure.

(Unknown men in Pakistan) (Raw Missions) (Dawood Ibrahim poisoned)

Now in 2023 there is a news(Dawood Ibrahim poisoned) that finally some unknown men in Pakistan have completed the RAW mission after poisoning the killer of Thousands in India. This reminds me of an old yet very popular saying in Bharat ‘Bhagwan k ghar Der haiu lekin Andher nahi’

Unknown men in Pakistan Tazaflix.com
Unknown men in Pakistan Tazaflix.com

Jai Hind! jai Bharat!


Also read our political blog.

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